On-Site Inspection Services

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RESPIRATORS: Qualitative Fit Testing, Annual Inspections

Qualitative Fit Testing for Respirators A fit test is the best way to determine if a tight-fitting respirator fits properly and is protecting workers from hazardous, airborne agents. And in Canada, it’s also required by law.

What is a good fit? A mask that forms a tight seal against the face of the wearer. Tight-fitting respirators include N95 or KN95 masks, half-face respirators and full-face respirators.

A fit test is required by Canadian and Ontario legislation. For example, Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) states that, “An employer who provides a worker with a respirator shall provide training and instruction to the worker in the care and use of the respirator before the worker first uses the respirator.”

If a worker has never had a fit test before and if they are required to wear a respirator, they need one in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and Ontario’s Occupational Safety Act (OHSA). As well, workers need a fit test:

  • At least every two years according to the CSA (Z94.9.1.6)
  • Whenever changes to the user’s physical condition could affect the respirator fit such as due to weight gain or loss, surgery, or major dental work
  • If they are using a new respirator make or model
  • As well, your organization may have additional policies that require more frequent fit testing. The CSA (Z94.7.1.3) recommends that workers be fit tested annually.

Valley WorkSafe offers Qualitative Fit Testing. We are able to come to your site. Formal records are provided in different formats (i.e. – digital certificates, MS Word, Google Docs/Sheets or paper)

Contact us to discuss your training needs at 613-639-1056 or david@valleyworksafe.ca

FALL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: Pre-Use & Annual Inspections

Fall protection equipment Ontario Fall protection equipment saves lives! They need to be in the best working condition.

To maintain their high performance, all fall protection equipment needs pre-use inspections AND an annual inspection by a competent person.

Annual inspections ensure your fall protection equipment is in top shape and can ensure your employees would be safe in the unfortunate event of a fall. Annual inspections ensure, as an employer,
25(1)(b) the equipment, materials and protective devices provided by the employer are maintained in good condition. (OHSA 1990)

Valley WorkSafe offers Fall Protection Equipment Inspections. We are able to come to your site, to inspect your equipment. We provide formal records in different formats (i.e. – MS Excel, MS Word, Google Docs/Sheets or paper)

Contact us to discuss your training needs at 613-639-1056 or david@valleyworksafe.ca